A road trip filled with adventure, romance and cows across a desert called Space.

This game was made in two weeks for the Space Cowboy Game Jam, in which it ended first. it was displayed at Marfa Festival as well as some other games from the jam.

It was then ported on Kongregate by The Pixel Hunt and Benjamin Gattet where it was played (and enjoyed I hope) by more than 200 000 players.

Download for Windows (english)
Play on web! (english)
Listen to the OST

They talked about it :
RockPaperShotgun (english)
BoingBoing  (english)
Warpdoor (english)
GameJamCurator (english)
Indie Arcade (english)
AlphaBetaGamer (english)
The Crate and Crowbar podcast (english)
One More Turn podcast (english)
Youtupe Playthrough (english)
GameIndustryNews (english)
– Canard PC (french magazine)
Chez soi (french)
another fanart